Improve your English (7)
Good morning friend this is 7th article on English vocabulary .Today we will complete 140 word
and today we will also complete all important word of A letter
Let's start
Attorney :-न्याय वादी (Procurator /A lawyer)
Attribute :-कारण होना/ उत्तरदाई (Impute Accredit)
Audacity :- साहसिकता (Boldness /Daring)
Augment :-बढ़ाना/ वृद्धि करना (Amplify / Grow)
Augur :-पूर्व सूचना (Forecaster )
Aura :-आभा (Spirit/ Feel)
Autocrat :-तानाशाह (Dictator)
Autonomy :-स्वायत्तता /स्वतंत्रता (Self governing /Independence)
Auxiliary :-सहायक /पूरक( Help)
Avalanche :-हिमस्खलन /गिरती हुई बर्फ (A mass of snow)
Auxiliary :-सहायक /पूरक( Help)
Avalanche :-हिमस्खलन /गिरती हुई बर्फ (A mass of snow)
Availability :-उपलब्धता (avail)
Avarice :-धन लोभ /लालच (Extreme/ greed for wealth)
Avarice :-धन लोभ /लालच (Extreme/ greed for wealth)
Avenue :-मार्ग /पथ (method /Route)
Avert :-टालना /बचना (avoid/ rule out)
Avidity :-उत्सुकता (keen/ Ardent)
Avow :-स्वीकार करना (Accept)
Awfulness :-भयानकता (horrific /terrible)
Awry :-विकृत/ टेढा़ (serpentine)
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